I was browsing the internet this week and I stumble upon a website called Thriftbooks. I'm pretty sure this site just saved my life. Why? Well, Thriftbooks sells books for such a low price. And shipping is free for people in the U.S. I seriously just bought 5 books for $19.25. 2 were paperback and 3 hardbacks. I used to be spending about $10 on a book and then pay $2.99 for shipping and handling. Now I don't have to anymore! But the only thing is that the books are used. They do sell "like new" copies but if you are one of those people who like having brand spankin' new book, then you probably will not like this website. They also don't have a lot of new releases so if you're looking for books made this year then you may have a hard time finding them. It isn't impossible though.
So that's all! I just wanted to share that with you guys because I was pretty excited to find this site. If you want a site that sells some new releases with free shipping, check out The Book Depository. They have free shipping worldwide. AbeBooks and Mckenzie Books are also a very good places to check.
I hope this helps!
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