Well. I will not say "I'm back!" because who knows when I will drop off the face of the earth for about two years. But I am alive and well.
I did, in fact, forget I had a book blog. I remembered today and decided to check up on things. I seriously was not expecting my blog to have so much traffic when I have not updated it for about two years. I will try to get back into the swing of things. I still read! I don't make videos anymore because my camera broke and I still have yet to replace it.
I'm realizing that I have to do a massive overhaul on my blog. Like. Man. For one, I do not wear those white glasses anymore. My hair has also gotten a lot longer. There are also a lot of links to blogs that don't work or are no longer being updated. I think everyone has moved to tumblr...maybe I'll get with the flow and do that...or WordPress. I'll keep you posted.
I think the main reason I stopped updating was because I got into a HUGE reading slump. It would take a lot for me to pick up a book and read. I loved reading about people reading, looking for new books to read, and watching people talk about reading. But when it came time for me to actually READ, I ran into some trouble. That lasted for about a year. And then I started college. That explains much of my absence. I still don't read as much as I used to but I've gotten a lot better.
I will be sure to let you all know if I will be switching to WordPress. I feel like I need a fresh start so that is a good possibility.